I remember the building, not far down from Nunns for Ford and next door to Robinson’s Removals (notable for their black and white building) and over the road (a little further up towards Great Cheetham Street) the Rialto cinema.
Hi, isn’t this a shot of the button factory? It looks like it to me, if it is, I remember as an apprentice electrician installing new lights there when I worked for Benny Mitchell who had a radio and TV shop on Waterloo Road Hightown Manchester 8. Joe Dawson
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Comment Category: General memories
I remember the building, not far down from Nunns for Ford and next door to Robinson’s Removals (notable for their black and white building) and over the road (a little further up towards Great Cheetham Street) the Rialto cinema.
Comment Category: General memories
Hi, isn’t this a shot of the button factory? It looks like it to me, if it is, I remember as an apprentice electrician installing new lights there when I worked for Benny Mitchell who had a radio and TV shop on Waterloo Road Hightown Manchester 8. Joe Dawson