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By Joe Paisley on 2023-12-19 16:37:07
That looks like my sister, Marie Paisley. She was May Queen around that time
By Anna kril on 2022-05-14 19:05:56
Lovely photos and happier times.
By Steve Wilson on 2018-06-27 23:07:51
Really interesting website. The band shown in pmc13001 is the Gravel Lane Silver prize band. The drum major at the front was Jimmy Roberts a popular guy in Salford and my father is playing the euphonium on the left of the photo.
By WHIT WALKS, CHEETHAM HILL, 1950s on 2017-08-21 10:56:06
We looked forward to Whit Week as this was when we got a complete set of new clothes When friends or relatives saw you in your new clothes they usually gave you a small amount of money. Other than this we didn't have an awful lot of clothes bought during the year. I went to St Mark's School on Heath Street and I can still picture a lot of teachers and I was confirmed at St Mark's Church, but I would never walk in the Whit Walks. We used to go and watch the "scholars" as the Whit walkers were sometimes referred to. The Whit Walks were in two parts-the Protestants walking on Whit Monday and Catholics walking on Whit Friday. We always had "shakers" (paper strips on a stick). After the Walks we usually went up to Heaton Park. MM
By LOL HENNIS on 2017-08-08 22:10:37
By WHIT WALKS, CHEETHAM HIIL, 1950s on 2017-07-13 13:30:38
I used to watch the Whit Walks go by on Cheetham Hill Road. It took two hours. My eldest daughter was christened at St Lukes Church. The alter was blue and gold, the rector used to march with us. The sunday school teacher was called Mrs Stephens, she was a very strong character. Margaret
By WHIT WALKS, CHEETHAM HILL, 1950s on 2017-06-09 17:33:03
My family made shakers (paper strips on a stick), for the whit walks when they lived off Cheetham Hill Road. They sold them in different towns. They also made flags for football matches. They boiled fish glue to stick to the shakers and it stunk the house out. My grandad, auntie and uncle all made them. They also bought crape paper and cut it into strips for the top part of the shakers. Eddie
By The Whit Walks, Salford on 2016-10-22 14:53:02
I walked in the Whit Walks in about 1950, when I was at St Johns Catholic Cathedral School. We walked from the Cathedral on Chapel Street, up Victoria Street past the Victoria Street Bus Station, along Deansgate where they had a service. You couldn't move in that place. It was a longer walk home and when we got home we were shattered! On the photo is also Shiela O'Toole, to the left, and Maureen Dardis, or extreme right, and Maureen Smith seen at the back. We all carried fresh flowers and we bought all the dresses new. I was only 15 so I was a bit embarrassed walking in the dress, but you had to do it for the school. Gladys Fitzgerald See the photo here
By Whit Walk Memories on 2016-08-13 14:25:59
The Whit walks in the 1960s in Manchester would take place upon a weekday Friday in either June or May. It was an early start to get a front row view, there were no seats provided, you just had to make do. The crowd would increase in numbers as it got near to the time. It was a tradition that now is rarely done, but in these days it was popular and being there was fun.The different ages of young and old alike, girls wore long white flowing dresses. It was nice to get bought an ice cream as you watched the Whit pass by. They sold flags and shakers that you could wave as the walkers passed by. Judith
By Whit Walks, Salford 31st Scout Group on 2016-07-30 15:02:44
When we used to go to the Sea Scouts at night, we did knot making, band practice, on either snare drum or bugle, then we drank stewed tea from the tea urn and had biscuits. It was proper tea made from tea leaves, there was no tea bags then. We would have to be ready for parade on Sunday. We were in the Salford 31st Scout Group and our anthem was called 'Stevies'. The Whit Walks was a showcase day, it was a day of pride, we marched with four flags at the front, the Navy flag (white enssign), and England flag with 3 lions on, the Fleur de Lys, a French flag, and the other one was the Union Jack flag. The march started at the Boat House about 9am and then went to Albert Square. We used to walk right round and back. It was a very long day. Harold was at the front, in front of the flags, and we were behind. People like Harold Musk, the Scout Master, deserve some recognition. Paul Kelly
By Whit Walks, Salford 31st Scout Group on 2016-07-30 14:56:24
Harold Musk's father was called Lionel and his sister was called Gertrude, they lived in Clement St., Lower Broughton. Eric (his nephew) was a Choir Master at St. Andrews, at the top of Rainsough Brew.
By Girl Guides at the Whit Walks, Cheetham Hill on 2016-07-30 13:18:47
Olwyn Casement (nee Hurst) shared her memories of the Whit Walks that she took part in as a Girl Guide. She recognised herself and her friends in three photographs; "We were in Marlborough Road Methodist Guides and I went to Marlborough Road School. All the girls in the photo (PMC13017 and PMC13016) were in the Guides together for about 5 years, from when we were 11 until we were about 15. We all went away together to a Girls Friendly Society in Morecombe. The Leifetenant (the front right PMC13016) was called Mrs Norris, and her sister (on the left) Miss Bates, was the Captain. Jean McGinty, (PMC13017, behind the leader) was the daughter of a well known chucker-outerer at the Devonshire Picture House! It's not there now". Olwyn identified (from the left) Shirley Prince (Olwyns friend), Rita Cowey, Brenda Keyes, Alma, Mrs Norris, Jean McGinty, Jean Hughes, Olwyn Hurst, Doreen Brown and Elsie Voyce (See photo here).
By Gail on 2016-06-27 12:00:18
Hi Carole, thanks for the information about you in the Whit Walks photo, it really helps us build a picture of the collection. Thanks for your encouragement too! Hope you enjoy browsing the website, best wishes Gail
By Whit Walks, Cheetham Hill on 2016-06-15 16:28:11
Hi, the photo of whit walks page 7 of 18. pmc13007 june 1951 shows me in the centre of the line with the white glove on. I would be aged 4yrs 6months at the time. I do have a copy of this photo, and another with my sister on dudley st taken near the mission on dudley st both in the dresses my mother made at the time. We lived charlotte st at the time moving to dudley st when i was aged 10yrs old. These photo,s were in a collection which my dad took. He passed 2005 Mum passed 2013. I think your doing a fabulous job in what your doing. Regards Carole McCannon. See the photo here.