Comments by category
By Martin Brady on 2020-02-22 09:28:55
At the time of the 1911 census, a tailoring/sewing business was running at 5 Upper Camp Street. The business was run by Russian Jewish immigrants, Jacob and Sarah Marks. If anyone has any information on the business (name of it etc), please get in touch. They were my Great, Great, Grandparents and I'm trying to connect as many family dots as possible.
By Stephen Poulton on 2019-12-29 23:44:08
I am the grandson of the William Poulton and worked here, Tyson St, with my father (elder Son William) in the mid-1960s. I recall this unit was pulled down late 1960s and firm relocated opposite.
By Owen Moran on 2019-08-21 10:48:35
Was there a Spink's bakery on Lower Broughton st?
By Clive Whalley on 2018-07-31 15:29:30
My dad, Colin Whalley worked for Mr. Whippy at Cheetham Hill 1960-62. Before moving to Huddersfield to run their depot there.
By Julie Anne Ratcliffe on 2018-01-26 15:19:12
Would you remember the names of any textile or carpet shops in Cheetham Hill in and around 1957?
By Caron mcdonald on 2017-08-31 00:54:04
My mum, Jean McDonald worked at Stone Dry in 1971/72, she was Jamaican. Does anyone remember an Asian man called Billy who worked there in the leather section of the factory?
There were many textiles companies in the Cheetham Hill and Broughton area of Salford in the 1950s and 60s. They included Cohen and Wilks (Cheetham Hill). CWS Ladies Tailoring (Lower Broughton), Stone Dry ( Broughton Lane) and i'm sure many others. My grandmother worked at Stone Dry, as a cleaner and my mother worked for many firms, often as an outdoor machinist, many were family owned. These are just a few. Laurence
By Julie Anne Ratcliffe on 2017-05-18 16:53:50
Who owned the ladies coat business?
By Julie Anne Ratcliffe on 2017-05-18 16:51:33
I would love to know how many textile companies there were in the 1950's in Cheetham Hill and who owned them. My mum who has now passed away, spent an inordinate amount of time in the area. She spent many a Saturday night at the Ritz Night club and she also bought fabrics from the Jewish traders for her dress making business in the day.
By jackie harrison on 2017-04-19 09:27:03
That brought back a memory some years ago a friends mum told me she worked there with my grandpa mum and aunty mum was about 18 she said.There name was Margolis. Jackie Harrison.
By bill thomason on 2017-04-11 15:47:25
In the early 60s-70s I worked at S.Maurice & co; 268 Bury New Rd; facing "Nunns" garage & the back gate was on Back Roman Road.They were button manufacturers & dyers,my job was as a dyer. It is now (and has been for a while) a car showroom. Does anybody remember it ? Anyone got a photo ? They supplied all the local "rag trades" with buttons,buckles & slides. On a Friday I would finish at 3.30pm then pop into the Papermakers arms, the Landlord was called Walter. Take care.
By CHEETHAM INDUSTRIES on 2017-03-23 18:18:29
I worked for Jack Meek's on Derby Street, they made raincoats, I worked in the offices. My first job was at Manchester Metal Works Auto Office, on the switchboard, copy typing. George Van Colle was the owner. Sandra Silver
I worked at CWS ladies tailoring on Trafalgar St, Lower Broughton. I started in 1955 and stayed for about 3 years. I became an approved apprentice and went on Piecework. Mrs Roberts was our Fore lady, she was terryfying. It was a massive building over 3 floors. I heard about 700 people worked there. Mrs Warton taught us how to make ladies coats. There were 3 stages, first the top coat, which included pockets. Then the linings and then the bagging out, where they put the lining and the collar together. Jean Edwards
By Edna Challender on 2017-02-23 16:19:16
I worked at Co-op Trafalgar St. I learnt how to make a coat /suit from a bundle my teacher were Miss Wharton. We did 12 month learning then on to piece work to earn your own money. My learning wage were £3/43p 7 30 am to 5 30 pm
By TRAFALGAR STREET, LOWER BROUGHTON, 1950s on 2017-02-23 11:50:22
I remember the night watchman who worked at the Co-op factory on Trafalgar Street. He bred bull dogs. As a kid we were all frightened of him. We sometimes used to sneak in the factory and go up the stairs. Eddie
By Sewing Machine Shops, Cheetham Hill on 2017-02-20 11:04:19
My mother and gran worked in machine shops in Cheetham Hill and Collyhurst. At the time my mother was living in Whitely Street, Collyhurst. When she was working in the mills in Collyhurst she met a Ukraine man called Stefanos. My gran also lived on Queens Rd, near Cheetham Hill Rd. All the machine shops were in Cheetham Hill in the 20s and 30s, the women often still wore clogs and shawls. They made rain macks, war materials and coats six days a week. They sometimes took work home and worked by candle light for the war effort (for the first and Second World War). Many came from large catholic families. My gran also lived in Price Street in Ancoats. Leslie
By Upholstering in Cheetham HIll on 2016-11-25 14:31:23
I remember Cheetham Hill being a centre of furniture-making in the 60's. I used to work there myself for an upholsterers and I remember lots of characters from the area. Leslie Darlington
By ICE CREAM VANS, SALFORD on 2016-10-04 09:28:00
There was a company called Lyons Made on Cross Lane. They sold Ice cream vans to the public when it closed down and alot of Maltese people bought them, families such as the Camilleris, the Velas, the Bulos, etc. Joe Bulo had an icecream van for years. I also bought a van off Lyons, It was the same van as in your photo. Steve
By Cooling Towers at Agecroft on 2016-08-20 13:54:27
I remember the Cooling Towers. We lived near the Henry Boddington Pub and we played on the playing fields near them. You could walk from there into the centre of Manchester at that time. As kids we used to climb on the pipes and on the bridges near the industries there. Phil Horridge
By Furniture making in Cheetham Hill on 2016-07-30 14:30:30
My Dad was a cabinet maker in Red Bank, Derek Casement. He made bedroom furniture and kitchen furniture, and later classical furniture. Before then, he worked at the Co-op, building the CIS, on the wooden panelling in the 1950s. He also did all the display cabinets for the Manchester Museum. Salford University filmed him in his workshop on Bolton Road, and made a film of him.
By Cooling Towers at Agecroft on 2016-07-23 14:46:42
Blanche, at Salford Museum and Art Gallery told us about the cooling towers: "The two towers on the right were the original ones, you can tell by the 'embroidery' decoration around the top. I watched the other two being built. We lived in Agecroft Road West, and you could see them from there and the chimney."
By Cohen and Wilks textiles factory on 2016-07-23 14:02:45
Judith Redfern, visiting the Salford Museum and Art Gallery, told us about the textile factory photographs. "This looks like Cohen and Wilkes, Cheetham Hill. My Grandmother, Christina Williamson was a Macintosh machinist, making what you call "Macs'. She lived in Hightown, on Pemberton Street."