News Category
Heritage Open Day
Display at Transport Museum for Heritage Open Day and Cheetham Cultural Festival We had a great day at the Transport Museum for Heritage Open Day on Saturday 9th September. The Museum is part of a wonderful heritage tour of the area, organised by the Cheetham Cultural Festival, which ran all weekend . We met lots […]
Cheetham Cultural Festival
Closing Ceremony at the Ukraine Centre We had a lovely day talking to the audience at the final event of the incredible Cheetham Cultural Festival. Congrats to all those involved in creating exciting events year after year in the name of community cohesion and pride. The closing event is always spectacular, and with so much […]
Langworthy Cornerstone Exhibition
Salford Schools Exhibition Images of Salford schools from our archive are now on show at Langworthy Cornerstone Community Centre until Friday 27th October 2017. There will be a selection of Salford schools built in the 1950s and 60s, showing photographs of school class groups, sports days, interior and exterior views of the schools. The exhibition […]
Workshop at Manchester Central Library
Memory Workshop We will be in the foyer of Manchester Central Library talking about our exhibition in Archives + and distributing our project book, with some samples of photos from the archive. We will be there every Friday in August, and we welcome any memories you may have to share inspired by the photographs. Manchester […]
Heathlands Village Memory Workshop
We were invited to visit the Heathlands Village Care Home, North Manchester, where many former residents of Cheetham Hill now live. We ran a Memory Workshop with our social history volunteer, Eddie, who took in a fascinating collection of objects to handle. He had chosen the objects relating to the industries of the area which […]
Ukraine Centre, Cheetham Hill, Memory Workshops
Over the summer, we are visiting a group of Ukrainian residents at the Centre to present our book of photographs and also to talk about people’s memories of Cheetham Hill and migration from the Ukraine. Throughout our project we have presented the photographs at the Ukraine Centre during the Cheetham Festival, and we have always […]
Collect Your Free Copy of our book
Click here to view our newly published book online. “Iconic Photographs from the 1950s and 60s” by Salford and Cheetham Hill In Focus has just been printed. You can collect you FREE COPY from Langworthy Cornerstones Community Centre. Why not coincide your visit with our Drop In sessions every Friday afternoon in September to chat […]
Join us for a Trip Down Memory Lane
Sunday 28th May, 2pm
If you have enjoyed looking at the images in our collection, why not join us for a heritage walk, starting near Cheetham Hill Road? We will be exploring lost buildings and places in the Cheetham and Red Bank areas, inspired by remembered places, led by a local history expert. The walk will take place on […]
Can you help us test our website?
May 2017
We are looking for volunteers to help us test and develop our website – either in person or online. We are running a session in Higher Broughton on Tuesday 16th May between 12.30pm and 3.00pm, where volunteers will be asked to use the website and give us their views. This should take about […]