
CImage Verbose Output

PHP version: 8.0.30
Incoming arguments: Array ( [0] => img.php version = v0.8.5 (2022-11-17) [1] => mode = development [2] => error log = [3] => password match = [4] => allow_hotlinking = 1 [5] => referer = [6] => referer host = [7] => use cache = 1 [8] => shortcut = [9] => src = POMC06608B.jpg [10] => new width = [11] => new height = [12] => aspect ratio = [13] => crop to fit = [14] => bgColor = [15] => fill-to-fit = [16] => keep ratio = 1 [17] => crop = [18] => area = [19] => use original = 1 [20] => quality = [21] => compress = [22] => save as = [23] => scale = [24] => palette = [25] => sharpen = [26] => emboss = [27] => blur = [28] => rotateBefore = [29] => rotateAfter = [30] => autoRotate = [31] => filters = Array ( ) [32] => outputformat = [33] => dpr = 1 [34] => convolve = [35] => upscale = 1 [36] => lossy = [37] => alias = [38] => interlace (configfile) = null [39] => interlace = null )
Set new options for processing image.
Loading image details for: /home/311105.cloudwaysapps.com/uddudhpknq/public_html/cimage/webroot/../../wp-content/uploads/collectionimages/POMC06608B.jpg
Image width x height (type): 1101 x 790 (2).
Image filesize: 297771 bytes.
Image mimetype: image/jpeg
Init dimension (before) newWidth x newHeight is x .
Init dimension (after) newWidth x newHeight is x .
Calculate new width and height.
Original width x height is 1101 x 790.
Target dimension (before calculating) newWidth x newHeight is x .
Keep aspect ratio.
Calculated new width x height as 1101 x 790.
Prepare to save image as:
Setting JPEG quality to 60.
Setting PNG compression level to -1.
Using original image.
### Output
Output format is:
Outputting image: /home/311105.cloudwaysapps.com/uddudhpknq/public_html/cimage/webroot/../../wp-content/uploads/collectionimages/POMC06608B.jpg
Loading image details for: /home/311105.cloudwaysapps.com/uddudhpknq/public_html/cimage/webroot/../../wp-content/uploads/collectionimages/POMC06608B.jpg
Image width x height (type): 1101 x 790 (2).
Image filesize: 297771 bytes.
Image mimetype: image/jpeg
Last-Modified: Sun, 11 Aug 2019 19:16:41 GMT
Content-type: image/jpeg
Content-length: 297771
### Summary of verbose log
Loading image details for: /home/311105.cloudwaysapps.com/uddudhpknq/public_html/cimage/webroot/../../wp-content/uploads/collectionimages/POMC06608B.jpg
Image width x height (type): 1101 x 790 (2).
Image filesize: 297771 bytes.
Image mimetype: image/jpeg
### Image successfully loaded from file.
imageistruecolor() : true
imagecolorstotal() : 0
Colors as true color.
Number of colors in image = 4463
Detected transparent color = NONE at index = -1
Colors as true color.
As JSON: { "src": "POMC06608B.jpg", "srcGmdate": "Sun, 11 Aug 2019 19:16:41", "cache": "", "cacheGmdate": "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00", "filename": "", "mimeType": "image/jpeg", "width": 1101, "height": 790, "aspectRatio": 1.394, "size": false, "colors": 4463, "includedFiles": 26, "memoryPeek": "2.605 MB", "memoryCurrent": "1.697 MB", "memoryLimit": "2048M", "loadTime": "0.635s" }
Memory peak: 3M
Memory limit: 2048M
Included files: 26