About the Migrant Ancestors Category
The collection of images taken in studios in other countries tells us a very interesting story about migration to Cheetham Hill in the post war period. We have identified for example many portraits of Ukrainians who resettled in the UK after World War II.
Today there is still a lively and active Ukrainian community in Cheetham Hill, and we have exhibited photographs at the very hospitable Ukraine Centre for local cultural events including the Cheetham Festival.
If you have any memories of any places or photographs shown, please send them to us and contribute to our memory book to help us identify the photographs.
We have also identified other nationalities and ethnicities by either the dress or details of the studio the photograph was taken in, eg Pozsony, Poland. If you recognise any of the images, please let us know by making a comment under the photograph for our Memory Book.
See all the images in the Migrant Ancestors category here.