About the Work and Industry Category
We have included a variety of photographs in this collection including various aspects of industrial and working life. In a growing economy, businesses were keen to promote their services, for example a brand new bottling plant in 1964 at Colgate Palmolive in Ordsall.
There is also a charming set from inside a bakery showing the bakers at work at the ovens and cake decorating work stations. By the early 20th century Cheetham Hill had attracted a large Jewish population, adding to the rich culture of the area and contributing to the development of many industries including bakeries.
If you have any memories of any places or photographs shown, please send them to us and contribute to our memory book to help us identify the photographs.Bookbinders Bakery was on Cheetham Hill Road, and the images in this category are all of the interior of the bakery. We also have an image of the bakery shop front on the photographs taken of the Whit Walks procession and it also appears on our Salford and Cheetham Hill Map.
See all the images in the Work and Industry category here.