Outreach Category
Heritage Open Day
Display at Transport Museum for Heritage Open Day and Cheetham Cultural Festival We had a great day at the Transport Museum for Heritage Open Day on Saturday 9th September. The Museum is part of a wonderful heritage tour of the area, organised by the Cheetham Cultural Festival, which ran all weekend . We met lots […]
Cheetham Cultural Festival
Closing Ceremony at the Ukraine Centre We had a lovely day talking to the audience at the final event of the incredible Cheetham Cultural Festival. Congrats to all those involved in creating exciting events year after year in the name of community cohesion and pride. The closing event is always spectacular, and with so much […]
Family event for Heritage Open Day
Salford and Cheetham Hill In Focus will be taking part in a Heritage Open Day event at the Museum of Transport in Cheetham Hill on Saturday 9th September. There will be a family activity session, featuring images from the collection, and a chance to meet members of the team to discuss your own memories. The […]
Collect Your Free Copy of our book
You can now collect our project book from Langworthy Cornerstones Community Centre. Why not combine a trip to meet Lawrence every Friday in September for a Drop In session from 1pm to 2pm. Or you can collect a book from any of our events, have a look at our Events section for dates and […]
Ukraine Centre, Cheetham Hill, Memory Workshops
Over the summer, we are visiting a group of Ukrainian residents at the Centre to present our book of photographs and also to talk about people’s memories of Cheetham Hill and migration from the Ukraine. Throughout our project we have presented the photographs at the Ukraine Centre during the Cheetham Festival, and we have always […]
Heritage Walk, Cheetham, Red Bank and
Angel Meadow, Sunday 28th May
On Sunday 29th May we went on an amazing heritage tour of Cheetham, Red Bank and Angel Meadow, voluntarily led by Eddie, who’s knowledge of the area is incredible. He showed us many sites of interest, which he knows about due to his family having lived in the area, and having a keen interest in […]
Women Working Together Textiles Project
Today we went to meet the Women Working Together group at the Broughton Hub where they meet each week. We had done some work with the group previously and they had expressed interest in taking part in this project when they knew it was linked to a greater understanding of migration to Cheetham Hill, and […]
‘Home from Home’ Textiles Banner
The ‘Women Working Together’ group are from Pakistan, mainly from Faisalabad, a city with close connections to Manchester because of the textiles industry. In fact its’ industrial story is so closely related to Manchester, that in Pakistan it is known as ‘the Manchester of Pakistan’. This story inspired the ‘Home from Home’ textile banner, as […]